(Para garantizar una selección interesante, he elegido mi playlist "Emergencia", 25 canciones para momentos hipoglucémicos.)
1. Spiritualized - Broken Heart
Your favourite lyric from this song:
All of it is quite naive and moving at the same time...
"There's a lot of things that need to be done.
Lord I have a broken heart."
Does this song have any bad memories attached?
The song has become a memory in itself. It reminds me of people I've shared it with, like Deira; of my first days in Germany when I used to sing it in my room; of my own broken hearts.
What genre is this song?
I wouldn't say it tipically belongs to any genre in particular. It's not ambient, it's not conemporary classical music, it's not exactly a ballad either...
2. Algora - Planes de Verano
What is the last line of the song?
"Tengo planes de verano, pero no son a tu lado."
Have you ever seen this artist live?
No :-(
Who does this song make you think of?
The lyrics talk about being sick of your boyfriend's complaints and taking a break no matter what. The electronic sound makes me think of of sunny beaches full of gay hunks, which sounds like a nice break to me.
3. R.E.M. - Half a World Away
What is the first line of this song?
"This could be the saddest dusk I've ever seen."
(The best moment of the song, actually.)
Where did you first hear this song?
I bought a pirate cassette copy of the "Out Of Time" album when it came out in my hometown's flee market. I remember listening to it a lot while on summer holidays in my father's hometown, Baza.
How about the first time you heard this artist?
It definitely was when the video for "Losing My Religion" came out, so I probably first saw it on a TV show called Rockopop. I must have been 15 at the time so I don't think I really understood how good it was.
4. Fon Román - El Idiota
What friend could this be a theme song for?
I never really understood the lyrics, but this guy was in Piratas, so the song obviously reminds me, again, of Deira.
Write down the chorus:
(It's not very clear, really)
"(¿Es que al rey?) no era amor
ya era mucho entre dos
y (¿te herí?) sin querer
y aún en días después
con sonrisa de una postal,
con tus frases tirando a dar,
y me vi sin poder
repitiendo otra vez..."
(Corrections welcome!)
Why do you like this song?
It has a nice melody and it's great to sing along.
5. Peter Gabriel - Washing of the Water
What kind of film would you choose this as a theme for?
A drama, possibly, but in any case, if would fit perfectly right before the second turning point, when the main character has lost all hope and things seem desperate.
Who introduced you to this group?
TV again. I must have been 14. It was 1990. For a few days they showed short ads to announce the premiére of the "Digging in the Dirt" video (yes, times have changed). The images were great. The day of the premiere, unfortunately, I was in summer holidays in Almuñecar, having a drink in a bar. The TV was on (probably it was Rockopop again), so I could see it but not hear it. I heard it later, and loved it. I remember being in the shopping mall Continente months later, trying to decide whether to buy the Us CD (because of "Digging in the Dirt") or Prince's "love sign" (because of "7"). I bought neither. With time, Prince's album turned out to be crap, while Gabriel's is one of my all-time favourites, and this song, together with Annie Lennox's "The Gift", my best emergency kit.
What is your favourite part of this song?
You need to hear it whole, the way it flows, it grows, then relaxes... but surely for that reason, the end is unbelievable, that final feeling of relief...
6. George Michael - Cowboys and Angels
The fourth line reads:
"You're not to blame, everyone's the same."
(or is that the third?)
How long is this song?
Is this song one of your favourites? Why or why not?
Oh yes, but then, I have so many favourites... The music is simply delicious.
7. Annie Lennox - The Gift
(oh, here it is!)
How long have you been listening to this artist?
"Diva", her first solo album, which includes this song, was released in 1990. It was one of my first CDs, so I listened to it a lot. (Of course I discovered later that a lot of Eurythmics songs were familiar, but that does not mean I had actively "listened" to them before.)
What's the cover of the album this song came from?

What's this song about?
For me the song compresses both the moment when you realize you've been desperately in need of fresh air, and the feeling in your soul when you actually open the door and step outside.
4 comentarios:
Razones por las que este post es el amor hecho letras:
1) Álex haciendo memes musicales y contando detallitos sobre él que no conocía :D
2) Álex acordándose de mí con canciones que conocí gracias a él y que han pasado a ser de mis favoritas gracias a él
3) Canciones increíbles y, por una vez en un meme musical de otra persona que leo, TODAS en mi poder.
4) Canciones que me recuerdan a Álex tanto como a él le recuerdan a mí :) (Broken heart para mí es sinónimo de Álex y de noviembre)
5) Prueba irrefutable de que, por mucho que Álex se queje cuando me pongo dramática o en plena emergencia (jeeje), él me dio muchas soluciones para sobrellevar el drama o navegar tranquiiilamente por sus aguas, como cuando se va de la manita de Peter Gabriel o Annie Lennox :_D
En resumen: me encanta :___D
Por cierto, el otro día volví a hacerme mi lista de reproducción para momentos hipoglucémicos (término que, by the way, acuño porque me ha encantao xD), y la mía tiene 356 canciones xDDDDDDDDDDD Igual sí que me paso con el drama, qué le vamos a hacer xDD
Y oye, esa lista contiene 3 canciones de Teatro Fantasma :D
Pero qué amor de comentarios me hace mi niña ;-)
Hay muchas más canciones que me recuerdan a ti, porque entre tu guitarra, los karaokes, el gmail... hemos compartido mucha música tú y yo.
365 canciones son muchas, reina mora. Y déjame adivinar: El Sueño de Basil Hallward, Mañana y... uh?
Las manzanas, hombre, las manzanas son mortales!!! :___D
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